Mean Girls At Work
A woman’s guide to the new frontier of professional development
With women comprising more than 50% of the workforce today, a new dynamic has emerged- women competing with women at work. This book gives the female professional personal strategies and business tools for handling competitive situations unique to working with and for other women. It provides field-tested methods for navigating more than 70 different woman-to-woman workplace situations. Learn how to stay professional when things get personal at work.

Working With You Is Killing Me
Freeing Yourself from Emotional Traps at Work
Almost everyone has someone at work who makes his/her life difficult (well, except for us!). In this book we offer proven techniques for managing any workplace relationship that rattles your nerves or limits your productivity. Find out what you can do to handle irritating co-workers, critical bosses and unruly employees. Learn ways to break the cycle of frustration that threatens to unhinge your concentration and block your productivity.

Working For You Isn’t Working For Me
How to Get Ahead When Your Boss Holds You Back
Authors of the national bestseller Working With You Is Killing Me, Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster show you how to recover from and interact with every kind of boss behavior under the sun. Is your boss a micro-manager? Do you work for someone who can’t communicate? Is your supervisor critical, lazy, never around? Read this book and find relief from any authority figure who drives you crazy at work.
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