My Crazy Office

My Crazy Office is a weekly workplace podcast dedicated to helping listeners navigate their careers. Executive coach Kathi Elster and career therapist Katherine Crowley combine their expertise to solve both serious and silly situations at work. Join Kathi and Katherine as they answer real workplace questions with solid advice and a side of humor. Do you have someone or something at work that’s driving your crazy? Send your questions to (All submissions kept confidential.)

Turn Your Bad Job Into a “B” Job

In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about how to turn a bad job into a “B” job. They start with a question from someone who hates their job and feels an urgency to quit but realizes that it will take time to prepare for the thing they really want to do. Kathi and Katherine discuss how this person (and you) can create a plan so that a bad job can become a “B” job that allows you to move forward.

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Afraid To Hold Your Staff Accountable?

It can be scary to confront staff if you fear that they may get angry and quit. In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss the importance of holding your staff accountable for their behavior. They start with a question from someone who manages many frontline staff but never confronts any of them because of the fear that they will quit. Now this lack of holding staff accountable is getting the manager in trouble.

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Passed Over for a Promotion Again?

In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine examine a serious problem – what do you do if you are passed over for a promotion more than once? They start with a question from someone who’s a top performer at their job but keeps getting passed over for promotions to upper management. Kathi and Katherine offer tactics for breaking out of this cycle, and moving your career forward.

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Do You Resent Your Boss?

Resentment is a tricky emotion. It can consume you, making it difficult to do (or enjoy) your job.

In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss this hot topic. They ask the question, “Do you resent your boss?” If so, how do you manage that resentment? Kathi and Katherine start with a question from an individual who works for a horrible manager, but wants to know how to get beyond the anger that comes up towards this person.

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How Much Should You Invest In a Bad Hire?

In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine explore an important question for anyone in management: How much should you invest in a bad hire? They start with a question from a manager who hired a very likeable person who lacks the skills needed for the job. This manager has invested time and money trying to upgrade the new hire’s skills, but it’s not working. Do you wonder how much to invest in someone who isn’t able to do the job? Listen here.

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Bestselling authors Katherine and Kathi use humor and a slue of engaging techniques to mediate solutions for individuals at every level of employment — from executives to managers to frontline employees.

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