My Crazy Office

My Crazy Office is a weekly workplace podcast dedicated to helping listeners navigate their careers. Executive coach Kathi Elster and career therapist Katherine Crowley combine their expertise to solve both serious and silly situations at work. Join Kathi and Katherine as they answer real workplace questions with solid advice and a side of humor. Do you have someone or something at work that’s driving your crazy? Send your questions to (All submissions kept confidential.)

Is It Time To Make a Radical Change?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss a crucial question that some of you may be asking yourselves: Is it time to make a radical career change? We start with a question from someone who has been in a boring-but-secure job for 15 years. A recent lay-off is making this person consider whether it’s time to go back to school to pursue a degree in something that they’ve always wanted to do.

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Attacked By a Toxic Client?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address a challenging situation: What do you do if you are attacked by a toxic client? They start with a question from someone who has experienced just that — being aggressively attacked by a client during a meeting. Kathi and Katherine talk about how to recover from this kind of difficult situation and how to manage the client going forward.

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Is Your Department Moving in a Direction that You Don’t Like?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss what you can do if your department (or company) is moving in a direction that you don’t like. They start with a question from someone who disagrees with their department’s decision to do things differently based on customer feedback. Kathi and Katherine talk about what your options are in these kinds of situations.

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Anxious Mother-To-Be

On this My Crazy Office Podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about balancing maternity leave with career growth. They start with a question from someone who is pregnant, but also wants to take on a large new client. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to look at these kinds of situations that require incorporating a major life change (motherhood) with career ambitions.

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Is Your Self-Talk Holding You Back?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address an important question: Is your self-talk holding you back? Self-talk is the running dialogue in your head. Negative self-talk involves your deepest doubts and fears. Kathi and Katherine start with a question from someone who knows it’s time to move their career forward, but keeps procrastinating instead of taking action and wonders why.
Is your self-talk holding you back? Listen to this podcast.

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