Impostor: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 4

Kathi and Katherine talk about impostor syndrome on this week’s My Crazy Office Overtime episode.

What is impostor syndrome? Success may also give rise to doubt. How do we combat those doubts in the workplace? Listen here.

Deeper Into the Impostor Syndrome: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine delve further into the impostor syndrome on this episode of My Crazy Office Overtime.

We talk about our own experiences with the syndrome and how to combat it.

#26 – Impostor Syndrome & Over Confidence: My Crazy Office, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about the impostor syndrome and over confidence with incompetence on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice about the impostor syndrome – what it means and how it manifests.

Then we discuss what to do when an incompetent employee feels overly confident in their abilities.

#31: The Impostor Syndrome & Self-Doubt: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine discuss self-doubt in the workplace on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice to a newly promoted employee who worries that he or she may not be qualified for their current job.

Then we talk about what a manager should do when their employee doubts their capabilities in the workplace.