Two Job Offers — Which One Do I Take?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine explore how to choose the best job when it’s a choice between two companies. They start with a question from someone who has been looking for a new job and now must decide between two offers; the positions are the same, but the companies are very different. One company is high profile, high pay, and high stress. The other is more laid back, but the employees seem happier. Kathi and Katherine talk about how to weigh and measure your options.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

On this episode of My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine consider whether it’s smart to stay at a company after you realize it supports people who behave badly. They begin with a question from someone who recently got hired by a senior partner at a high-profile company. Although this top executive aggressively recruited them to join his team, he’s criticized and devalued their work ever since bringing them on board. In this kind of situation, should you stay or should you go?

What To Do If a Recruiter Contacts You

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherin discuss what you should do if a recruiter contacts you. This is something that a lot of people find perplexing. Kathi and Katherine start with a question from someone who really likes their current position and isn’t sure what to do when a recruiter contacts them regarding a dream job.

What’s Stopping You From Leaving Your Job?

Sometimes you know it’s time to leave a job but something holds you back from taking action. In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine explore the reasons why some people say they want to leave, but can’t take actions to go.

Which Job Should I Take?

In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine talk about job hunting, and how to decide which job to take. They start with a question from someone who has to choose between a job that has no work/life balance, but is at a high-status company, versus a job that encourages work/life balance but is at a less prestigious company.

Are You Ready To Leave Your Job?: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 8

Kathi and Katherine talk about leaving your job on this week’s My Crazy Office Overtime show.

Are you ready to leave your job? What are the signs?

Listen to this week’s podcast here.

#30: My Dream Job Isn’t Right For Me – My Crazy Office, Season 8

Kathi and Katherine talk about when your dream job isn’t the right fit on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice to an employee who realizes that their dream job is not for them.

Then we discuss what a manager can do if they realize that one of their staff is in the wrong job.

Green Flags and Red Flags in Job Culture: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 8

Kathi and Katherine talk about job culture and the signs to look out for on this week’s My Crazy Office Overtime show.

What are the green and red flags of culture to look out for in your next job?

Listen to this week’s podcast here.