Is Your Department Moving in a Direction that You Don’t Like?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss what you can do if your department (or company) is moving in a direction that you don’t like. They start with a question from someone who disagrees with their department’s decision to do things differently based on customer feedback. Kathi and Katherine talk about what your options are in these kinds of situations.

Are You Doing Your Boss’ Job?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine address a tricky topic: What if you are doing your boss’s job? They start with a question from someone who finds themselves doing their boss’s job – even though it’s clear that the boss is incompetent, and people are quitting because of it. Kathi and Katherine discuss different ways of handling this kind of delicate situation.

Are You Dealing with a Sacred Cow?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about a very challenging kind of boss —
The Sacred Cow. They start with a question from someone whose company CEO recently hired a close friend into the COO position. This individual seems friendly, but lacks the experience and skills to do the job. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to work with this kind of boss and keep your sanity.

Is Someone You Manage After Your Job?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss what to do if you suspect that someone you manage is after your job. They start with a question from a manager who fears that one of their direct reports is trying to take their job. During the second part of the podcast, Kathi and Katherine consider the same topic from the employee’s perspective: What if you want to be your boss’s equal?

Rebels at Work — How To Survive When Your Protector Leaves

Are you a rebel at work? Do you manage a rebel? In this episode of My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss the strengths and weaknesses of rebel employees. First, they offer advice to a rebel whose protective boss is leaving the company. During the second part of the podcast, Kathi and Katherine give tips to managers about teaching their rebels how to mend fences. Listen and learn!

What’s Stopping You From Leaving Your Job?

Sometimes you know it’s time to leave a job but something holds you back from taking action. In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine explore the reasons why some people say they want to leave, but can’t take actions to go.

Managing an Argumentative Employee

Kathi and Katherine discuss how to manage an argumentative employee. Are you trying to manage someone who challenges your every move? In this podcast, we’ll examine what happens when a member of your “support staff” questions or corrects everything you want to do. During the second half, we consider the employee’s perspective — What if you challenge your boss because he or she seems insecure or indecisive?

Is Your Boss Leaving?

What do you do if your current boss leaves for another job? It’s not always clear. In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss how to adjust when your boss leaves and a new boss appears. First, they consider a situation where the employee has a great boss and that person takes a new position. Then Kathi and Katherine discuss what it means when a boss you can’t stand moves on.