My Psycho Boss

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address a hot topic: How to handle a psycho boss. They start with a question from someone who recently took a new job that is both challenging and rewarding. The new boss started out supportive and encouraging, but recently revealed another side – hypercritical, erratic and abusive. Kathi and Katherine offer ideas about how to navigate this kind of very challenging situation.

Are You Snapping at People Because You Are Overwhlemed at Work?

In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine investigate what you can do if you are lashing out at people because you are overwhelmed at work. They start with a question from someone who works as an office manager for a not-for-profit where the responsibilities are overwhelming, and this person finds themselves snapping at anyone who makes a request. Are you snappy at work? Listen to this podcast.

Are You Working with a Super Spreader?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address the issue of people who come to work sick and spread their sickness to others. They start with a question from someone whose co-worker came to work with a cough and fever, and proceeded to infect others with that illness. We’ll talk about what your options are if you have a coworker who insists on being a super spreader.

Social Media in the Office

On this My Crazy Office episode, Kathi and Katherine talk about a tricky topic — social media in the workplace. They start with a question from someone whose coworker plays TikTok videos all day long, and the distracting sound and sight of those videos make it hard for this person to concentrate and do her job. During the second part of the podcast, Kathi and Katherine look at the same situation from the TikTok player’s point of view. Why can’t social media be used as a tool for de-stressing at work?

Introverts Who Struggle With An Extroverted Workplace

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about introverts, and the challenges they face in the workplace. They start with a question from an introvert who must attend long meetings and worries that appearing checked out after a meeting could be interpreted as rude by his extroverted colleagues. Kathi and Katherine clarify some of the internal challenges of introverts and offer tips for handling delicate situations.

Are You Doing Your Boss’ Job?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine address a tricky topic: What if you are doing your boss’s job? They start with a question from someone who finds themselves doing their boss’s job – even though it’s clear that the boss is incompetent, and people are quitting because of it. Kathi and Katherine discuss different ways of handling this kind of delicate situation.

Is Your Boss a Gossip?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine address a tricky topic: What do you do if your boss is a gossip? They start with a question from someone whose new boss is friendly but a little too familiar. This boss shares personal information about everyone in the office and asks probing question about the employee’s personal life. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to set boundaries with a gossip-seeking boss.

Taking Over Another Manager’s Team?

Today on My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss the challenge of taking over another manager’s team. They start with a question from someone who has been asked to take over another manager’s department and worries that the staff will resist her management style. Kathi and Katherine go on to consider how you can assess and re-train a team of employees that you inherit from someone else.