Is It Time To Make a Radical Change?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss a crucial question that some of you may be asking yourselves: Is it time to make a radical career change? We start with a question from someone who has been in a boring-but-secure job for 15 years. A recent lay-off is making this person consider whether it’s time to go back to school to pursue a degree in something that they’ve always wanted to do.

I Hate My Absentee Boss

On this My Crazy Office episode Kathi and Katherine talk about a very difficult kind of person to work for – The absentee boss. They start with a question from someone who’s been working for a manager who is never around. When he does come to work, he criticizes her every move. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to manage these situations, and what your options are with an absentee boss.

Stay In Your Job While You Start Something New

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine talk about the value of staying in your job while you start something else. They start with a question from someone who has a comfortable but uninspiring job. She has a great business idea, but can’t afford to leave her job. Kathi and Katherine discuss how it’s possible to stay in your current job and launch your next career move.

Afraid That You Might Hire The Wrong Person?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss a topic that is important to every manager: How do you know you are hiring the right person? They start with a question from someone who needs to hire an assistant director but has a history of hiring the wrong person in the past. Kathi and Katherine talk about different ways that you can protect yourself from making a bad choice when you hire.

Do You Hate Networking?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine talk about a topic that many people hate: networking. They start with a question from someone who loves their job, but knows that in order to get promoted they need to network. Kathi and Katherine talk about all the ways to network, and how to move through networking resistant.

Does Your Physical Appearance Stop You From Changing Jobs?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine address a delicate topic: Does your physical appearance hold you back from changing jobs? They start with a question from someone who knows it’s time to leave their job but hesitates to take action because they feel physically unattractive. Kathi and Katherine consider what you can do if your physical appearance prevents you from going after a better job.

Are You Doing Your Boss’ Job?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine address a tricky topic: What if you are doing your boss’s job? They start with a question from someone who finds themselves doing their boss’s job – even though it’s clear that the boss is incompetent, and people are quitting because of it. Kathi and Katherine discuss different ways of handling this kind of delicate situation.

Freezing Up at Meetings?

On this, My Crazy Office Podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss a very real challenge for some people at work — Freezing at meetings. They start with a question from someone who’s recently been promoted to a managerial position and finds himself freezing at important meetings where he should be making a positive impression. Kathi and Katherine discuss field-tested techniques for “unfreezing” at important meetings so that your ideas, opinions, and achievements can be heard.