Is It Time To Make a Radical Change?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss a crucial question that some of you may be asking yourselves: Is it time to make a radical career change? We start with a question from someone who has been in a boring-but-secure job for 15 years. A recent lay-off is making this person consider whether it’s time to go back to school to pursue a degree in something that they’ve always wanted to do.

Stay In Your Job While You Start Something New

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine talk about the value of staying in your job while you start something else. They start with a question from someone who has a comfortable but uninspiring job. She has a great business idea, but can’t afford to leave her job. Kathi and Katherine discuss how it’s possible to stay in your current job and launch your next career move.

Career Change, Can I Do It?

Changing careers or going into a new industry can be daunting. In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss what it takes to move from one industry to another. They start with a question from someone who is in a secure, well-paying job but feels very bored. Kathi and Katherine explore what it takes to move to a new, more creative industry while keeping your current job. Eager to change industries but not sure how to do it? Listen here.

Too Afraid To Leave Your Job?

Sometimes, you know it’s time to go, but leaving seems too scary. On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherin explore what happens when you know you’ve been at a job too long, but you’re afraid to actually leave. Kathi and Katherine also consider what managers can do if they know that certain employees should move on but seem reluctant to go.

What’s Stopping You From Leaving Your Job?

Sometimes you know it’s time to leave a job but something holds you back from taking action. In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine explore the reasons why some people say they want to leave, but can’t take actions to go.

Which Job Should I Take?

In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine talk about job hunting, and how to decide which job to take. They start with a question from someone who has to choose between a job that has no work/life balance, but is at a high-status company, versus a job that encourages work/life balance but is at a less prestigious company.

Afraid To Leave Your Job?

Is fear stopping you from leaving your job? For some people, leaving a job is easy to talk about but not so easy to do. Even if you know it’s time to leave, fear may get in the way. Kathi and Katherine explore the challenge of leaving a job and discuss tactics for managing the fears that come with making this kind of change.

Are You Often Disappointed at Work?

It’s easy to be disappointed at work. A new hire may not be all you hoped for, a new boss may promise a lot but fail to deliver, and a new job may look great before you take it only to become a serious disappointment.

In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine examine the nature of disappointment at work and offer proven techniques for managing those situations that challenge your ability to thrive.