Is It Time To Make a Radical Change?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss a crucial question that some of you may be asking yourselves: Is it time to make a radical career change? We start with a question from someone who has been in a boring-but-secure job for 15 years. A recent lay-off is making this person consider whether it’s time to go back to school to pursue a degree in something that they’ve always wanted to do.

Stay In Your Job While You Start Something New

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine talk about the value of staying in your job while you start something else. They start with a question from someone who has a comfortable but uninspiring job. She has a great business idea, but can’t afford to leave her job. Kathi and Katherine discuss how it’s possible to stay in your current job and launch your next career move.

Have You Outgrown the Work You Know How To Do?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine examine a common phenomenon that few people talk about: What do you do if you’ve outgrown the work that you know how to do? They start with a question from someone who is a skilled salesperson, but no longer finds sales interesting. Kathi and Katherine go on to discuss what you can do if you realize that what you are good at is no longer what you want to do.

Lack the Confidence to Leave Your Job?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine talk about the challenge of leaving a job when your confidence is low, and you’re feeling emotionally battered. They start with a question from someone who wants to leave a toxic work situation but doesn’t feel good enough about themselves to look for a new job. Kathi and Katherine discuss tactics for moving forward even if you don’t feel worthy.

Career Change, Can I Do It?

Changing careers or going into a new industry can be daunting. In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss what it takes to move from one industry to another. They start with a question from someone who is in a secure, well-paying job but feels very bored. Kathi and Katherine explore what it takes to move to a new, more creative industry while keeping your current job. Eager to change industries but not sure how to do it? Listen here.

Need To Leave Your Job But Can’t?

On this episode of My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss a common phenomenon: why some people who know they need to leave their jobs can’t. They start with a question from someone who works in a horrible situation, but can’t take steps to find a better job. Kathi and Katherine consider what prevents individuals from leaving bad situations, and how those same people can coax themselves forward.

The Importance of Leaving a Job Well

Kathi and Katherine discuss the importance of leaving a job well — even if it’s a job you don’t like.
They share a story from someone who was able to leave a job (and a company) he hated on good terms, and ultimately experienced very positive results.

What’s Stopping You From Leaving Your Job?

Sometimes you know it’s time to leave a job but something holds you back from taking action. In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine explore the reasons why some people say they want to leave, but can’t take actions to go.