As an executive coach, I try to show my clients that with every awful business occurrence there is usually a silver lining. You may not see that lining at first, but with time you can see there was a lesson of value.
Not everyone is experiencing or seeing the silver lining at this time. Some of you are losing cherished members of your family and dear friends. Some of you may have lost your job and much needed income.
Some of you may feel angry because your gym is closed. Most of us desperately need a haircut. With that said, this quarantine and pause from life, as usual, can be a catalyst for each of us to take stock regarding what might actually be the silver lining.
Below is a list of silver lining comments that my clients have made over the last few weeks:
1 – I don’t miss many of my co-workers.
2 – I’m cooking all my meals and I like it.
3 – I’m sleeping better and don’t feel the pressure to get up earlier than needed.
4 – I like the relaxed attire I get to wear while working.
5 – I have so many fewer emails that my job is more doable.
6 – I’m learning that I like being by myself – I like me.
7 – I’m an introvert so I’m OK dealing with fewer people daily.
8 – I don’t have to commute.
9 – I’m hearing from friends and family that I haven’t spoken to for a while.
10 – I’m reading more, cleaning more, and finding it relaxing.
11 – I’m more appreciative of the essential workers in my city.
12 – Spending more time with my cat/dog and family is really nice.
13 – I can hear the birds singing because there are less cars on the road.
14 – It feels like the planet is healing itself.
15 – I have the opportunity to rethink my values.
16 – I’m realizing how important my supermarket workers are.
17 – I can take care of myself on my schedule throughout the day.
18 – I appreciate my job.
19 – I get to take classes for the job I really want.
20 – I’m learning how to connect with people on line.
21 – I like having access to people and places virtually that are not local.
Hard times teach us valuable lessons that help us grow and plan for the future. What are your silver linings? If you don’t see them at this time I promise they are there. You will see them when the time is right.
Kathi Elster – Executive Coach and co-owner of K Squared Enterprises.
Contact us at info@mycrazyoffice.co for any further help around this topic.
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