Attacked By a Toxic Client?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address a challenging situation: What do you do if you are attacked by a toxic client? They start with a question from someone who has experienced just that — being aggressively attacked by a client during a meeting. Kathi and Katherine talk about how to recover from this kind of difficult situation and how to manage the client going forward.

Is Your Department Moving in a Direction that You Don’t Like?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss what you can do if your department (or company) is moving in a direction that you don’t like. They start with a question from someone who disagrees with their department’s decision to do things differently based on customer feedback. Kathi and Katherine talk about what your options are in these kinds of situations.

Anxious Mother-To-Be

On this My Crazy Office Podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about balancing maternity leave with career growth. They start with a question from someone who is pregnant, but also wants to take on a large new client. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to look at these kinds of situations that require incorporating a major life change (motherhood) with career ambitions.

Do You Have an Advocate at Work?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about the importance of having an advocate at work. An advocate is someone who wants to see you succeed and who provides opportunities for advancement. Other terms for this important relationship are sponsor and mentor. Kathi and Katherine start with a question from an employee who was considering leaving her job, but recently noticed that her boss’s boss is giving her special projects.

I Hate My Absentee Boss

On this My Crazy Office episode Kathi and Katherine talk about a very difficult kind of person to work for – The absentee boss. They start with a question from someone who’s been working for a manager who is never around. When he does come to work, he criticizes her every move. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to manage these situations, and what your options are with an absentee boss.

Are You Working with a Super Spreader?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address the issue of people who come to work sick and spread their sickness to others. They start with a question from someone whose co-worker came to work with a cough and fever, and proceeded to infect others with that illness. We’ll talk about what your options are if you have a coworker who insists on being a super spreader.

Didn’t Get That Promotion? Now What?

On this My Crazy Office episode, Kathi and Katherine discuss what you should do if you don’t get the promotion that you ask for. They start with a question from someone who applies for a promotion, meets the benchmarks, but doesn’t get promoted. Kathi and Katherine investigate when it’s worth it to hang in there and try again, or when it may be time to find a better opportunity.

Should You Give Your Boss a Holiday Gift?

On this third and final podcast of the My Crazy Office Holiday Series, Kathi and Katherine address a question that many people ponder during this time of year: Should you give your boss a holiday gift? They start with a question from someone whose boss gives lavish gifts to every member of his staff. Is it appropriate to give the boss a gift in return? If so, what should it be?