Attacked By a Toxic Client?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address a challenging situation: What do you do if you are attacked by a toxic client? They start with a question from someone who has experienced just that — being aggressively attacked by a client during a meeting. Kathi and Katherine talk about how to recover from this kind of difficult situation and how to manage the client going forward.

Advocating For Yourself: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 5

Kathi and Katherine talk about advocating for yourself on this week’s My Crazy Office Overtime show.

How do you advocate for yourself in and out of the workplace?

Listen to this week’s podcast here.

#11: The Single Vs Married Worker – My Crazy Office, Season 4

Kathi and Katherine talk about single and married workers on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice about what to do when you feel like your employer takes advantage of your single status.

Then we discuss workplace roles and how to break free of them.

#33 – Accusers & Interrupters: My Crazy Office, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about two difficult types of colleagues on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we discuss how to deal coworkers who ask accusatory questions while not completing their own assignments.

Then we give advice about how to handle being constantly interrupted by a colleague.