I Hate Ebb and Flow

As the summer draws to a close, I have to admit that I really don’t like ebb and flow. I mean, flow I like. But ebb is much less appealing to me.

I liked it when the days got longer and the nights grew warmer. As the days grow shorter and the nights get cooler, I’m not so thrilled.

Nature is an important teacher. Clearly, the seasons don’t care what I think or how I feel about their ebb and flow. Their comings and goings illustrate the ebb and flow that is part of any cycle — including business.

I don’t like business ebb and flow either — but that, too, is a fact of life. So, I’m going to use this change of seasons to appreciate ebb (cooler nights, shorter days) for what it has to offer. Maybe shorter days provide more opportunities for indoor events and home dinners.

And maybe embracing this ebb can allow me to appreciate times of flow more fully.

It’s warmer outside…Get moving!

Okay, no more excuses. As the cold and frost move out, it’s time for exercise to move in. We know. You’re too busy to exercise. Sure. That’s why you spend HOURS watching tv, playing video games, and tweeting. Exercise doesn’t have to take long — 15 to 20 minutes a day — and it’s the single best remedy for stress. So follow our Ask K2 advice about Dealing with Heavy Stress at Work, and unhook physically from anything that bothers you.

Email? Text? Phone? I’m totally confused

If I want to make a date with you, do I text you, FB you, tweet you, email you, link to you or (God forbid) call you?

It seems to depend on each person’s preference and that preference is only known through familiarity.

I have certain friends who are offended when I text them. Others no longer answer their phones.

If I don’t pick the right medium, you may not respond. Even if I do pick the right medium, you may not respond.

I don’t know about you, but my brain gets tired just trying to figure this stuff out.

Any tips for managing our multi-device, constant response culture?