#10 – New Bosses, Different Personalities: My Crazy Office, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about dealing with new bosses on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

We give advice about how to work for an encouraging, positive boss after working for a demeaning and angry one.

Then we discuss how to work for a new boss that is all business and no play.

#8 – Managing Up: My Crazy Office, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about managing up on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

We give advice about how to handle a boss that talks too much.

Then we discuss how to schedule a meeting with a boss who has little time.

#38 – Giving & Receiving Feedback: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine discuss feedback in the workplace on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice to a manager about how to confront a young employee about excessive yawning during meetings.

Then we give guidance to an employee whose boss is consistently re-doing the work that they hand in.

#37: Interview Follow-Up & Red Flags: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine discuss the hiring process on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice about how to follow-up with an employer after an interview.

Then we give guidance to an employee who, during the hiring process, sees red flags that his colleagues do not.

#36: Negotiating Your Worth & Diplomacy: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine discuss two common workplace issues – negotiation and diplomacy – on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice about how to negotiate a higher salary.

Then we give guidance to an employee who is told to ‘practice diplomacy’ in order to move their career forward.

#25 – Is Your Time Up?: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine answer questions about knowing when to leave your job on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

We discuss the ‘signs’ to look out for at work that indicate that your time is up and the personal questions to ask yourself.

#24 – Work Lingo: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine answer questions about workplace lingo on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

We discuss the ‘buzzwords’ or repetitive words and phrases that people use to communicate with each other at work.

#23 – Offensive Behavior: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine answer questions about co-worker’s offensive behavior at work on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First, we give advice about how to handle an entitled employee.

Then we discuss how a boss should deal with the jealousy of his or her staff over a new employee.