What’s Taking You So Long?: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 4

Kathi and Katherine discuss time on this My Crazy Office Overtime episode.

We discuss why it is difficult for people to manage their time.

Then we give advice about uncovering our relationship to time in order to work more effectively.

#29 – Work Ethics & Work Hours: My Crazy Office, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about workplace ethics and time on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice about how to deal with a coworker that is constantly M.I.A.

Then we discuss how to handle 12+ hour work days and loss of personal time.

#20 – Time Games at Work: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine answer questions about time on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First, we give advice about how to handle a co-worker that comes and goes as they please.

Then we discuss how an employee, who has different hours from their colleagues, should handle the judgment that comes with their different work schedule.

#8 – Workplace Ethic Dilemmas: My Crazy Office, Season 2

Kathi and Katherine offer advice about workplace ethic dilemmas on this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

We talk about what to do when the person you are training expresses no interest in the position that you are training them for.

We also discuss, what to do when you observe a co-worker misusing company time.

#6: Patience & Strategic Job Searching: My Crazy Office, Season 2

On this episode of the My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine offer advice about two common workplace situations.

We talk about what to do when a potential employer takes time to make a decision.

We also discuss, how to job search when you have little time to do so.