Ghosted by Your Manager?

On this My Crazy Office episode, Kathi and Katherine examine a challenging situation — being ghosted by your manager. They start with a question from someone whose boss insists on scheduling regular bi-weekly meetings only to never show up for them. This manager also doesn’t respond to emails or texts and does not see their ghosting behavior as a problem. Join Kathi and Katherine as they consider your professional options when the boss ghosts you.

I Hate My Absentee Boss

On this My Crazy Office episode Kathi and Katherine talk about a very difficult kind of person to work for – The absentee boss. They start with a question from someone who’s been working for a manager who is never around. When he does come to work, he criticizes her every move. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to manage these situations, and what your options are with an absentee boss.

#21 – Boss Behavior: My Crazy Office, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about boss behavior on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice about how to cope with an absentee boss.

Then we discuss what do when romantic feelings towards an employer develop.

#29 – The Workplace Babysitter & Office Placement: My Crazy Office, Season 1

Comedian Myq Kaplan joins Kathi and Katherine for a second time on this week’s episode of My Crazy Office!

The three discuss how to cope with an office full of lazy workers and a boss who is barely present to notice.

They also give advice about how to deal with employees who are arguing over placement in a new office space.

For more information on Myq Kaplan visit Also follow him on Twitter @myqkaplan.