Passed Over for a Promotion Again?

In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine examine a serious problem – what do you do if you are passed over for a promotion more than once? They start with a question from someone who’s a top performer at their job but keeps getting passed over for promotions to upper management. Kathi and Katherine offer tactics for breaking out of this cycle, and moving your career forward.

Can I Turn Down a Promotion?

In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine address an interesting question: Is it okay to turn down a promotion? They start with a question from someone who has been offered a promotion but doesn’t want the management headache that comes with it. Kathi and Katherine consider the pros and cons to saying “No,” and what your options might be if you have to say “Yes.”

Promotion negotiation — Do you know how to do it?

Do you know how to negotiate a promotion? In this My Crazy Office episode, Kathi and Katherine discuss what it takes to do just that. They start with a question from someone who wants to get promoted but has been told by her boss to wait for another year so that he can offer a better promotion with higher pay. This individual would like to propose a compromise that would result in a smaller promotion in the near future. Kathi and Katherine talk about the pros and cons of this approach.

Didn’t Get That Promotion? Now What?

On this My Crazy Office episode, Kathi and Katherine discuss what you should do if you don’t get the promotion that you ask for. They start with a question from someone who applies for a promotion, meets the benchmarks, but doesn’t get promoted. Kathi and Katherine investigate when it’s worth it to hang in there and try again, or when it may be time to find a better opportunity.

Waiting For a Promotion That Never Comes?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss what you should do if you are promised a promotion, and it never comes. They start with a question from someone who has been waiting for a promotion for two years, but circumstances keep arising that stop it from happening. Kathi and Katherine talk about what you can do if a promised promotion feels out of reach.

Is Your Personal Life Making It Hard to Focus at Work?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine address a problem that everyone faces at one time or another, what do you do when your personal life makes it hard to focus at work? We’ll start with a question from someone who just got promoted into a great new job, but also has to deal with several personal problems — making it hard to focus. We’ll discuss how to stay focused at work and deal with personal challenges at the same time.

Do I Have to Go to My Company’s Holiday Party?

On this second podcast of MCO Holiday Series, Kathi and Katherine answer a question that many people ask this time of year: Do I have to go to my company holiday party? They start with a question from someone who is up for a promotion and wonders whether she needs to attend her company’s “large, formal, boring Christmas party.” Kathi and Katherine discuss why these events may be important and how to navigate them.

Are You Too Busy Managing Down to Manage Up?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine explore a common management challenge — What if you are so busy managing down that you don’t have time to manage up? Kathi and Katherine start with a question from a manager who spends so much time helping her staff complete their work that she misses opportunities to be seen by the people who could promote her and her department.