Afraid To Hold Your Staff Accountable?

It can be scary to confront staff if you fear that they may get angry and quit. In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss the importance of holding your staff accountable for their behavior. They start with a question from someone who manages many frontline staff but never confronts any of them because of the fear that they will quit. Now this lack of holding staff accountable is getting the manager in trouble.

Is Someone You Manage After Your Job?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss what to do if you suspect that someone you manage is after your job. They start with a question from a manager who fears that one of their direct reports is trying to take their job. During the second part of the podcast, Kathi and Katherine consider the same topic from the employee’s perspective: What if you want to be your boss’s equal?

Forgotten How to be Social at Work?

As the pandemic morphs into an endemic, many remote workers are being asked to return to the office — some are less excited about it than others. In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine ask the question, “Have you forgotten how to be social at work?” If so, here’s what you can do about it.

Tough Conversations: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 5

Kathi and Katherine talk about how to have tough conversations with defensive people at work on this week’s My Crazy Office Overtime episode.

Talking to defensive colleagues is difficult, but it’s an important part of developing your professional reputation.

Listen to this week’s podcast here.

#35: Managing Inherited Staff – My Crazy Office, Season 4

Kathi and Katherine talk about inheriting staff on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice about how to manage and gain the respect and cooperation of inherited staff.

Then we discuss how to bond with inherited staff.

High Road Communication: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about high road communication on this episode of My Crazy Office Overtime.

How can you resolve workplace conflict in a professional, amicable way?

#25 – Equity & Compensation: My Crazy Office, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about equity and compensation on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.
We were joined by special guest and negotiation expert – Jamie Lee.

First we give advice about how to negotiate equity compensation.

Then we discuss whether or not to leave a job after having invested stock in the company.

#22 – Leaving A Job: My Crazy Office, Season 3

Kathi and Katherine talk about leaving jobs on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice about how to continue a job search after rejection.

Then we discuss how to let go of an employee who is stuck in a role.