Turn Your Bad Job Into a “B” Job

In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about how to turn a bad job into a “B” job. They start with a question from someone who hates their job and feels an urgency to quit but realizes that it will take time to prepare for the thing they really want to do. Kathi and Katherine discuss how this person (and you) can create a plan so that a bad job can become a “B” job that allows you to move forward.

How Do I Fire a Long-time Employee?

In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss a subject that many people in leadership positions must address: How do you fire a long-time employee? They start with a question from someone who was recently hired as the senior director of a large department and realizes there is a key employee who must be let go. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to navigate this kind of delicate situation carefully and professionally.

My Psycho Boss

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address a hot topic: How to handle a psycho boss. They start with a question from someone who recently took a new job that is both challenging and rewarding. The new boss started out supportive and encouraging, but recently revealed another side – hypercritical, erratic and abusive. Kathi and Katherine offer ideas about how to navigate this kind of very challenging situation.

Is Your Self-Talk Holding You Back?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address an important question: Is your self-talk holding you back? Self-talk is the running dialogue in your head. Negative self-talk involves your deepest doubts and fears. Kathi and Katherine start with a question from someone who knows it’s time to move their career forward, but keeps procrastinating instead of taking action and wonders why.
Is your self-talk holding you back? Listen to this podcast.

I Hate My Absentee Boss

On this My Crazy Office episode Kathi and Katherine talk about a very difficult kind of person to work for – The absentee boss. They start with a question from someone who’s been working for a manager who is never around. When he does come to work, he criticizes her every move. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to manage these situations, and what your options are with an absentee boss.

Do I Have to Go to My Company’s Holiday Party?

On this second podcast of MCO Holiday Series, Kathi and Katherine answer a question that many people ask this time of year: Do I have to go to my company holiday party? They start with a question from someone who is up for a promotion and wonders whether she needs to attend her company’s “large, formal, boring Christmas party.” Kathi and Katherine discuss why these events may be important and how to navigate them.

Is Your Boss a Gossip?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine address a tricky topic: What do you do if your boss is a gossip? They start with a question from someone whose new boss is friendly but a little too familiar. This boss shares personal information about everyone in the office and asks probing question about the employee’s personal life. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to set boundaries with a gossip-seeking boss.

Is Someone You Manage After Your Job?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss what to do if you suspect that someone you manage is after your job. They start with a question from a manager who fears that one of their direct reports is trying to take their job. During the second part of the podcast, Kathi and Katherine consider the same topic from the employee’s perspective: What if you want to be your boss’s equal?