Is Your Boss Afraid You Will Outshine Them?

Most bosses want you to do your job well, but some bosses may view your personal success as their loss. In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine examine a delicate situation: What can you do if your boss is afraid that you will outshine them? They start with a question from someone whose recent recognition for outstanding performance resulted in the boss becoming distant and uncooperative. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to detect if your boss fears being diminished by your success and what you can do about it.

How To Get Noticed By Your Boss’s Boss

Figuring out how to get noticed by the people above your boss can be challenging — especially if you sense that your boss isn’t sharing your successes. On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss how to get noticed by your boss’s boss. They start with a question from someone who made the mistake of going over her boss’ head to get a meeting with the boss’s boss. Kathi and Katherine describe specific things you can do to avoid making that kind of mistake and still get the visibility that you desire.

Rebels at Work — How To Survive When Your Protector Leaves

Are you a rebel at work? Do you manage a rebel? In this episode of My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss the strengths and weaknesses of rebel employees. First, they offer advice to a rebel whose protective boss is leaving the company. During the second part of the podcast, Kathi and Katherine give tips to managers about teaching their rebels how to mend fences. Listen and learn!

The Politics of a Promotion

Receiving a promotion can be exciting, but once you move into the new position, you may find out that much of the job involves navigating the politics. Join Kathi and Katherine as they discuss how to manage the political aspects of moving into an executive position.

Are You Giving Yourself Credit?

As we move through week 10 of sheltering in place, it may be difficult to give yourself credit for much. You may have trouble focusing at work. You may be tired of making the best of a confined living situation. You may feel that you just aren’t getting things done. Instead of holding yourself to pre-COVID standards, why not look at your current circumstances through the lens of accomplishment? Here are some things for which you probably deserve credit:  

Managing work and home

These days work and home are so blended that it’s hard to “turn off” one to fully focus on the other. Yet somehow, you’ve managed to perform your work duties while juggling home responsibilities, whether they involve cleaning, cooking, child care, animal care, family care or home maintenance. You deserve a round of applause for that. 

Handling social isolation

Even if you’re an introvert who prefers being alone, this degree of social isolation is hard. Human beings are social beings at the core. The pandemic has deprived us of even casual social contact with people on the street or in public places. Whatever your situation, give yourself credit for enduring the isolation and taking actions to maintain safe contact with co-workers, family and friends.

Living alone

For those who live alone, sheltering in place can be particularly challenging. It takes courage to keep your spirits up, to stay out of catastrophic thinking, and to trust that this too shall pass. Your ability to be resilient, to take one day at a time and to find creative ways of staying connected to others deserves recognition. 

Living with others

It’s one thing to live with others during normal times. Each person is able to come and go, and shared space is only shared for short periods of time. Sheltering in Place has created a completely different dynamic. Now, it can be hard to have a quiet moment, find privacy, or feel relief. It may seem like everything you do is scrutinized, or that everything you do goes unappreciated. Whatever your experience has been, give yourself credit for keeping your cool most of the time, and for successfully sharing a home under extremely stressful conditions.

Being patient

Even if you don’t feel patient, you have been patient enough to weather the restrictions placed on you because of COVID-19, and to follow the guidelines of your local and state leaders. You’ve patiently waited for instructions about how to live your life, what kind of contact is permissible and when you may be able to resume certain activities. Patience during times of uncertainty is NOT easy. Give yourself credit.

Moving forward

Preparing to step out into the world, into your workplace, and into your community may be anxiety provoking, but it is part of returning to life. You are doing it. You will be doing it. And as you take the initial steps to return to certain locations and activities, you can give yourself credit for taking the necessary precautions and getting back into the game.

Katherine Crowley – Career Therapist and co-owner of K Squared Enterprises.

Contact us at for any further help around this topic.

Taking Stock Of the Year: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 6

Kathi and Katherine talk about taking stock on this week’s My Crazy Office Overtime show.

What professional or personal accomplishments did you have this year?

Listen to this week’s podcast here.

#12: Praise – My Crazy Office, Season 5

Kathi and Katherine talk about praise on this week’s episode of the My Crazy Office podcast.

First we give advice on how to work for a boss who does not give praise or recognition.

Then we discuss how to navigate a corporate culture that does not give praise.

Best Of – Accepting Your Successes: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 4

Kathi and Katherine talk accepting success on this week’s My Crazy Office Overtime episode.

So often we forget to acknowledge our successes in and out of the workplace.

Listen here for advice on bringing awareness and recognition to your accomplishments.