Is Your Self-Talk Holding You Back?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address an important question: Is your self-talk holding you back? Self-talk is the running dialogue in your head. Negative self-talk involves your deepest doubts and fears. Kathi and Katherine start with a question from someone who knows it’s time to move their career forward, but keeps procrastinating instead of taking action and wonders why.
Is your self-talk holding you back? Listen to this podcast.

Do You Have an Advocate at Work?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about the importance of having an advocate at work. An advocate is someone who wants to see you succeed and who provides opportunities for advancement. Other terms for this important relationship are sponsor and mentor. Kathi and Katherine start with a question from an employee who was considering leaving her job, but recently noticed that her boss’s boss is giving her special projects.

Are Supervisory Shoulds Hurting You as a Manager?

On this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine go over Ten Supervisory Shoulds that many managers hold about how their staff should behave. Supervisory Shoulds are beliefs that prevent managers from supervising their staff effectively. Do you believe you should only have to say something once? Do you assume your employees should know how to prioritize their work? Listen to this My Crazy Office podcast.

I Hate My Absentee Boss

On this My Crazy Office episode Kathi and Katherine talk about a very difficult kind of person to work for – The absentee boss. They start with a question from someone who’s been working for a manager who is never around. When he does come to work, he criticizes her every move. Kathi and Katherine discuss how to manage these situations, and what your options are with an absentee boss.

Are You Working with a Super Spreader?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine address the issue of people who come to work sick and spread their sickness to others. They start with a question from someone whose co-worker came to work with a cough and fever, and proceeded to infect others with that illness. We’ll talk about what your options are if you have a coworker who insists on being a super spreader.

Social Media in the Office

On this My Crazy Office episode, Kathi and Katherine talk about a tricky topic — social media in the workplace. They start with a question from someone whose coworker plays TikTok videos all day long, and the distracting sound and sight of those videos make it hard for this person to concentrate and do her job. During the second part of the podcast, Kathi and Katherine look at the same situation from the TikTok player’s point of view. Why can’t social media be used as a tool for de-stressing at work?

Pets in the Office?

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about a hot topic – pets in the office. They start with a question from someone who is interviewing for a job that seems like a great fit, but learns that pets are part of the office environment. Kathi and Katherine discuss the pluses and minuses of pet-friendly work environments.

Introverts Who Struggle With An Extroverted Workplace

On this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine talk about introverts, and the challenges they face in the workplace. They start with a question from an introvert who must attend long meetings and worries that appearing checked out after a meeting could be interpreted as rude by his extroverted colleagues. Kathi and Katherine clarify some of the internal challenges of introverts and offer tips for handling delicate situations.