Managing an Argumentative Employee

Kathi and Katherine discuss how to manage an argumentative employee. Are you trying to manage someone who challenges your every move? In this podcast, we’ll examine what happens when a member of your “support staff” questions or corrects everything you want to do. During the second half, we consider the employee’s perspective — What if you challenge your boss because he or she seems insecure or indecisive?

Is Your Boss Leaving?

What do you do if your current boss leaves for another job? It’s not always clear. In this My Crazy Office podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss how to adjust when your boss leaves and a new boss appears. First, they consider a situation where the employee has a great boss and that person takes a new position. Then Kathi and Katherine discuss what it means when a boss you can’t stand moves on.

Afraid to Manage Your Staff Because You Know Too Much?

Sometimes, the more you know about your staff’s personal lives, the harder it is to hold them accountable. In this podcast, Kathi and Katherine discuss how challenging it can be to hold employees responsible for their work product, when you know too much about their challenges outside of work.

The Politics of a Promotion

Receiving a promotion can be exciting, but once you move into the new position, you may find out that much of the job involves navigating the politics. Join Kathi and Katherine as they discuss how to manage the political aspects of moving into an executive position.

Afraid To Leave Your Job?

Is fear stopping you from leaving your job? For some people, leaving a job is easy to talk about but not so easy to do. Even if you know it’s time to leave, fear may get in the way. Kathi and Katherine explore the challenge of leaving a job and discuss tactics for managing the fears that come with making this kind of change.

Forgotten How to be Social at Work?

As the pandemic morphs into an endemic, many remote workers are being asked to return to the office — some are less excited about it than others. In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine ask the question, “Have you forgotten how to be social at work?” If so, here’s what you can do about it.

Should You Take That Promotion?

Theoretically, any promotion should be a good promotion. But there are certain situations where promoting you may benefit management, but not be great for your career. In this episode of My Crazy Office, Kathi and Katherine discuss which kinds of promotions you may not want to take, and how to say “no thank you,” without burning bridges.

The Stress of Workplace Politics: My Crazy Office Overtime, Season 4

Kathi and Katherine discuss the stress of workplace politics on this My Crazy Office Overtime episode.

First we define what office politics are.

Then we give advice about how to navigate workplace politics and discern the politics based on culture.